• ศูนย์ผลิตภัณฑ์



    Product classification: Carbon tetrafluoride
    Product Name: Tetrafluorocarbon Tetrafluoromethane
    Chemical formula: CF4
    ความบริสุทธิ์: 99.999% (5N)
    Packaging: Steel seamless gas cylinder
    CAS: 75-73-0
    Molecular weight: 88
    Melting point: -184 ℃




    Tetrafluorocarbon, also known as tetrafluoromethane. Colorless, odorless, and odorless gas. Insoluble in water, 0.0015 at 25 ℃ under normal pressure, soluble in chloroform and benzene. This product is non-toxic and non flammable. At high concentrations, it has an anesthetic effect. Its high-purity gas and its mixture with high-purity oxygen are currently the most widely used plasma etching gas in the microelectronics industry. Chemicalbook can also be used as a low-temperature refrigerant and insulation medium. Good chemical and thermal stability, inert to many reagents, not hydrolyzed at 1000 ℃. It does not react with copper, nickel, and tungsten at room temperature. Due to the strong chemical stability of the C-F bond, perfluorocarbons represented by CF4 can be considered to be essentially non-toxic.


    Carbon tetrafluoride is currently the most widely used plasma etching gas in the microelectronics industry. It is widely used for etching thin film materials such as silicon, silicon dioxide, silicon nitride, phosphorosilicate glass, and tungsten. It is also widely used in surface cleaning of electronic devices, production of solar cells, laser technology, low-temperature refrigeration, gas insulation, leak detection agents, attitude control of space rockets, cleaning agents, lubricants, and brake fluids in printed circuit production. Due to its strong chemical stability, CF4 can also be used in industries such as metal smelting and plastics.


    Store in a cool and ventilated non combustible gas dedicated warehouse. Stay away from sparks and heat sources. The storage temperature should not exceed 30 ℃. It should be stored separately from combustible materials and oxidants, and mixed storage should be avoided. The storage area should be equipped with emergency response equipment for leaks.